Правете нещата с хора, които ви допадат и които споделят целите ви.
Уорън Бъфет
Ние, в Монбат, сме убедени, че успехът на бизнеса ни зависи от таланта и приноса на всеки служител.
Предлагаме новаторска, етична, ориентирана към растежа работна среда. Насърчаваме взаимното уважение, доверието и почтеността на нашите служители. Вярваме, че всеки има право на справедливо и уважително отношение на всяка стъпка от професионалния си път при нас. Затова работим проактивно в посока да създаваме среда, в която всички служители имат равен достъп до възможности и ресурси и се чувстват сигурни да изразят свободно своето мнение. Целта ни е нашите служители да имат достатъчно причини да се гордеят с компанията, в която работят.
Ние търсим съмишленици! Ако Вие намирате себе си в редовете дотук, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Ние ще се опитаме да Ви вдъхновим и да Ви насърчим да се развиваме заедно! Защото искаме да правим нещата с хора, които ни допадат и които споделят целите ни!
- Маргарита Борисова, Директор Човешки капитал, Монбат АД
Radoslav Lazarov
Production Manager Starter Batteries, Monbat AD, Bulgaira
I am a second generation worker in Monbat, my father's whole career has passed here.
Monbat provides me with security and development.
I work in Monbat because I get security, constant improvement of the work process and modernization of the equipment, good pay, many social benefits, very good working atmosphere and correct attitude.
Stojanka Popović
Administrative officer, Monbat Recycling DOO, Serbia
Monbat and I found each other when we needed to. I got the job I was educated for and Monbat got the worker with needed qualifications.
Monbat gives me a sense of security as well as everyday challenges from which I emerge with new knowledge.
5 reasons to choose Monbat?
- Pleasant interpersonal relationships;
- Good cooperation between employees as well as between employees and superiors;
- A hardworking, good and loyal worker is appreciated;
- Very correct earnings;
- Caring for employees.
Ilhan Arabadjiev
Health and Safety Expert, Start AD, Bulgaria
I joined Start because I saw the chances for professional development the company provides.
Now, as part of the team, I can say that I feel even more motivated and ready to face any challenge. In my everyday work I feel that protecting the health and safety of my colleagues has become my incentive and leading goal.
Vanya Ikova
Chemist, quality control, Monbat Recycling EAD, Bulgaria
I have loved chemistry from the moment I started studying it, that's why I chose it for my professional realization! I also love my job, which I have been doing at Monbat Recycling for 10 years now! If I had to list five reasons to work in the company, although there are more, they would be the following:
- The variety in my daily tasks and activities;
- The high-tech equipment;
- The ability to make your independent decisions and be responsible for them;
- The favorable working conditions;
- The recognition and respect for my work.
Sabrina Urgese
Sales and Marketing Assistant, STC S.R.L., Italy
Thanks to STC and Monbat, I’ve finally had the chance to settle down in my hometown while remaining in contact with people from different parts of the Globe, practicing different languages and keeping traveling to take part in Conferences and Exhibitions.
Monbat has been giving me the opportunity to open up to new horizons, learn new skills from an organizational point of view and focus on the importance of teamwork and internal motivation.
5 reasons to choose Monbat?
- It is a leading, powerful and reliable European company;
- It is focused on innovation and has a farsighted vision which constantly influences its strategy;
- It adopts a vertically integrated business model;
- It is a dynamic group, in continuous evolution and expansion;
- It is always open to good and smart ideas.